100% Off Udemy Course Coupon Code Counter Project using HTML CSS and JavaScript Online Free Course: Build a simple counter website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and learn how to use bootstrap and font awesome. Welcome to the course for learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by creating a counter project, my name is Sahand and I’m a web developer with over 15 years of programming experience. Udemy free online courses with certificates. I created this basic course to share my experience with you. This course is made to help you get familiar with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to write the basic HTML, CSS, and JS codes, and build a simple but practical website that lets the users count up and down. This course starts with a direct and simple guide on how to install the VScode and its essential extensions.
Learn Counter Project using HTML CSS and JavaScript Free with Udemy Course

Then we write the HTML part. Once you finish the basic HTML, you’ll then begin to work on the CSS and learn how to make a simple Bootstrap button. This project will teach you many skills like how to use Bootstrap and Font Awesome and some essential JavaScript methods like add event listener method and style which are being used in most websites. It is completely fine if you have no prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A summary of the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is provided in the course. This is a short course that will teach you about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while building a simple but practical website.
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Learn About:
- Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by building a simple website.
- Build a counter in JavaScript
- Learn how to install bootstrap and Fonts awesome.
- Just a PC or laptop with Windows, Mac, or Linux