100% Off Udemy Course Free Coupon Code JavaScriptFor QA Engineers Course Free: Learn to code in JavaScript so you can pass your coding interview. Specifically designed for QA. No experience is required. This course was created and designed to teach JavaScript fundamentals from the beginning to beginners.
Learn JavaScript Programming For Free

Udemy free online courses with certificates. I will be walking you through the basic features of JavaScript and bring you to a point where you will be confident to call yourself a JavaScript developer. I have designed this course with QA Engineers as the main audience. But all the lessons and lectures apply to anyone wanting to learn JavaScript.
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Learn About:
- JavaScript from the basics to more advanced topics
- Applying JavaScript to web applications
- Use Node modules to enforce coding standards
- Unit testing your code
- Use the Visual Studio Code editor
- No coding experience required
- Computer with an internet connection
- All software used in the course is free