100% Off Udemy Course Free Coupon Code Learn PHP PDO Mysql Basic CRUD Operations Online Course Free: Basic PHP PDO crud operations. Udemy free online courses with certificates. In this course, you will learn how to use PDO (PHP Data Objects) in PHP to perform operations on a database securely. We will be using the MySQL database in this class. But you can use other supported databases and almost all the code will be the same.
Learn PHP PDO Mysql Basic CRUD Operations Free with Udemy Course

We will be using a Procedure approach to write the PHP code. So, you will even learn how to create a class, instantiate it and call the methods on the object. Although there are these prerequisites, I will explain each and every line of code that we are going to write. So, even if you are a complete beginner, you can join in. Just follow along and you will learn a lot.
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Learn About:
- The student will learn how to create a database connection using PDO with my SQL
- The student will learn how to insert data into a database using PDO
- The student will learn how to read data and update data using PHP PDO
- The student will learn how to delete data from database using PHP PDO using MySQL
Some basics knowledge of PHP and MySQL queries