Introduction to Application Security Free Course mygreatlearning: If you are interested in learning about Application Security, you can enroll in our free online training course. The course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of Application Security, and it is taught by experts in a hands-on manner. During the course, you will learn about the Foundations of Security, Core Security Principles, and many other important topics. The course covers a range of different threats and how to prevent them by adding features or functionality to the software.

Introduction to Application Security Free Course

Introduction to Application Security Free Course Mygreatlearning
Introduction to Application Security Free Course Mygreatlearning

You will also familiarize yourself with the different types of Application Security, such as firewalls, antivirus programs, encryption programs, and more. This beginner-friendly free certificate course is perfect for anyone who wants to understand the goals of application security and dynamic attack flows. You will be introduced to the underlying core principles of security, which will help you better understand the subject matter.

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Learn About:

  • Application Security – Introduction and Goals
  • Foundations of Security
  • Core Security Principles
  • Attack – Flow and Dynamic Web Application

Introduction to Application Security Free Course Mygreatlearning

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